GCF-008: Sizokwehlisa izindleko zezinsiza, ngakho-ke sicela ugqoke iyunifomu enikezwe wena kusukela namuhla ukuze usebenze Yini eyanikezwa isisebenzi sami sowesifazane esingaphansi kwakuyi-see-through and obscene hyper cool biz specification! Indwangu kuthiwa inciphile futhi ipholile, kodwa ngingajwayelekile futhi angikwazi nokusebenza!

We will reduce the cost of utilities, so please wear the uniform provided to you from today to work What was given to my subordinate female employee was a see-through and obscene hyper cool biz specification! The fabric is supposed to be thin and cool, but I'm strangely and I can't even work!

Usukukhishwa: 05/01/2019
Isikhathi sokusebenza: 160 imiz
Studio: Fitch