SCOP-254: Uhlelo lokuhlola lokuqinisekisa! Indoda nowesifazane abangabangane babodwa ekamelweni elivaliwe! Ngaphambi kwekhondomu, ingabe ubuhlobo phakathi kwendoda nowesifazane bungagcinwa? Ngaphezu kwalokho, wonke amakhondomu anemigodi ...

Verification experiment plan! A man and a woman who are friends are alone in a closed room! In front of a condom, can the friendship between a man and a woman be maintained? Moreover, all condoms have holes ...

Usukukhishwa: 10/24/2014
Isikhathi sokusebenza: 160 imiz
Umlingisi: Maya Kawamura
Studio: K M Produce