OYC-048: Isisebenzi sowesifazane somkhiqizi wezingubo zangaphansi owathathwa egqoke izingubo zangaphansi ezintsha njengendawo yemodeli yezingubo zangaphansi. Imodeli yayingekho ngesikhathi sokudubula komkhiqizo womkhiqizi wezingubo zangaphansi. Kodwa-ke, kusukela usuku lokudubula alukwazi ukuhlehliswa, isisebenzi esihle sowesifazane owaphoqeleka ukuba enze imodeli yezingubo zangaphansi ngokushesha ...
A female employee of an underwear manufacturer who was photographed wearing new underwear as a substitute for an underwear model. The model was absent at the time of the product shoot of the underwear manufacturer. However, since the shooting date cannot be postponed, a beautiful female employee who was forced to do an underwear model in a hurry ...