HUNTA-142: - Umfundi ofunda naye oyi-panchira ophahleni lwesikole! - Uhle kakhulu futhi uhlakaniphile, kodwa ngesizathu esithile uhamba ekilasini lapho ethutheleki kunoma ubani. Ngimnyama futhi ngiphuzile, ngakho-ke ngibe ngedwa esikoleni samabanga aphansi, esincane esiphakeme, futhi esiphakeme ngaso sonke isikhathi, kodwa ngimuhle kakhulu futhi ngithandwa, ngakho kungani? Namuhla uyedwa ophahleni.

- A classmate who is panchira on the roof of the school! - She is super beautiful and smart, but for some reason she floats in a class where she doesn't flock to anyone. I'm dark and sober, so I've been alone in elementary, junior high, and high school all the time, but I'm very beautiful and popular, so why? Today she is alone on the rooftop.

Le webhusayithi yenzelwe abantu abadala kuphela

Ingabe okungenani uneminyaka engu-18 ubudala?

(noma iminyaka yeningi elisemthethweni emandleni lapho ufinyelela khona kule webhusayithi)

Ngokuchofoza "NGIYAVUMA", ufunde futhi waqonda isitatimende esingenhla.

Usukukhishwa: 04/19/2016
Isikhathi sokusebenza: 225 imiz
Studio: Hunter