MOGI-136: [Ukudubula kokuqala] Intombazane yokudoba epholile kakhulu Ukuhlunga, ukulethwa, umsebenzi wasehhovisi nezinhlanzi nayo ingaxoshwa Ukumamatheka okungenacala, isimilo esiqotho nesinamahloni, i-Kyushu accent, i-bristle Ma ● Ko, bonke ubuso obusha obuphelele u-Anon, u-Anon Mita oneminyaka engu-20 ubudala
[First shot] Fishery girl who is too cool Sorting, delivery, office work and fish can also be sacked Innocent smile, sincere and shy demeanor, Kyushu accent, bristle Ma ● Ko, all perfect new face Anon, 20 years old Anon Mita