GDHH-031: Isimangaliso!? UPanty wadubula uMnu / Ms. ukuthi yimina kuphela ongabona ngesikhathi seklasi! Masonto onke ngiphoqeleka ukuba Mr./ umdwebo engingafuni ukuwenza ngesikhathi sobuciko, kodwa isiketi sentombazane ekilasini lemodeli siphenduke futhi ibhulukwe libonakala ngokugcwele endaweni yami! - Yenza sengathi uzimisele ngeklasi futhi ubheke ngokucophelela ibhulukwe futhi uthole ukwakhiwa okugcwele! …
Miracle!? Panty shot Mr./Ms. that only I can see during class! Every week I'm forced to Mr./ a drawing that I don't want to do during art time, but the skirt of the girl in the model class is turned up and the pants are fully visible from my position! - Pretend to be serious about the class and look closely at the pants and get a full erection! …