JKSR-261: Inani labantu abangakwazi ukuthi "cha" liyanda ngokushesha. - Owesifazane oshadile ozingela futhi ngokuyimfihlo umsekeli womlingisi we-AV ngaphandle kokutshela umyeni wakhe. Ukucosha indoda yomkhonto ebonakala njengomuntu omuhle uMnu / uNksz → ukuthola uhlelo lomlingisi omubi → ngokushesha i-squirrel @ Kawaguchi City
The number of people who can't say "no" is increasing rapidly. - A married woman hunting who is and secretly a deputy AV actress without telling her husband. Picking up a spear man who seems to be a good person Mr./Ms. → discovering a nasty actress plan → immediately squirrel @ Kawaguchi City