SW-479: Uthanda imbongolo kaSora, akunjalo? Udadewethu (intombazane yesikole), othanda abafowabo futhi othandana naye, ubonisa imbongolo yakhe ye-plump kuma-bloomers, amabhulukwe amhlophe, ama-mini spats, ama-swimsuits, nama-T-backs futhi uzama ukumjabulisa, ngakho nganikezela ekulingweni futhi ngahlikihla izinqe zikadadewethu futhi ngazizwa kahle ndawonye. Sora Shiina
You like Sora's ass, don't you? My sister (school girl), who loves her brothers and is in love with her, shows off her plump ass in bloomers, white pants, mini spats, swimsuits, and T-backs and tries to excite her, so I succumbed to temptation and rubbed my sister's buttocks and felt good together. Sora Shiina