SDMU-710: "Kuthiwani uma ulungisa umshini we-massage kagesi we-250,000 rpm endaweni lapho ukudlidliza kudluliselwa kakhulu esibelethweni, njenge-Y-shape noma ibhuloho, bese uqhubeka nokuyishaya?" Ngenxa yokuqinisekisa okukhulu kwabasebenzi besifazane be-SOD, kwavuza kakhulu kangangokuthi kwahlambalaza umphetho we-pantsuit futhi kwavuza abantu abangu-5 ingqikithi yezikhathi ezingu-64 ze-SOD Sexology Lab Report 3
"What if you fix a 250,000 rpm electric massage machine in a position where vibrations are most transmitted to the uterus, such as a Y-shape or bridge, and continue to hit it?" As a result of a serious verification by SOD female employees, it leaked so much that it stained the hem of the pantsuit and leaked 5 people a total of 64 times SOD Sexology Lab Report 3