VOSS-136: - Unkosikazi engimbonile esitimeleni esiphithizelayo ekuseni (ukwahlulela ngendandatho yomshado) wayehlangabezana nomfazi ongcolile ● kodwa esikhundleni sokwenqaba, kwakungumfazi ongcolile ● Kulungile! Lapho ngazi ukuthi kunjalo, nganquma ukuzama isenzo okokuqala futhi lapho ngithinta, ngathi, "Ngiyathuthumela ... Unovalo?' Ngahleba endlebeni yami! Kuphela sina... 9
- The wife I saw on the crowded train in the morning (judging by the wedding ring) was encountering a filthy ● but instead of refusing, it was a filthy ● OK wife! When I knew that it was so, I decided to try the act for the first time and when I touched it, I said, "I'm trembling ... Are you nervous?' I whispered in my ear! Only seriously... 9