OYC-156: Angikholwa! Angifuni ukukholelwa! - Angikholwa ukuthi umkami wayengumsebenzi wezocansi osebenzayo! Ngathola i-DVD ethi, "Intombi yakho ikhohliswa yindoda embi futhi ifihle njengomsebenzi wezocansi." Lapho ngibheka okuqukethwe, ngabona ukuthi umkami ongaziwa wayesebenza emasikweni ...! Futhi kuze kube ukusebenza kwangempela ...
Can't believe it! I don't want to believe it! - I can't believe that my wife was an active sex worker! I received a DVD that said, "Your girlfriend is being deceived by a bad man and hiding as a sex worker." When I looked at the contents, I saw that my unknown wife was working in the customs ...! And until the actual performance...