NKKD-066: Ukuqaphela okucasulayo kwendle Uma ubujabulela ubuhlobo obunempilo be-lovey-dovey nentombi yakho yokuqala enhle kakhulu eyakwazi ukuya eTokyo ngemuva kwemfundo yakho yaseTokyo elindelwe isikhathi eside, i-DQN Waniguchi senpai enomusa, owayekade esaba njengomuntu we-craziest esifundeni, weza eTokyo ukuze enze bukhoma eTokyo futhi wahlala futhi u-Ayame Himeno wakhe

Disgusting feces caution If you were enjoying a lovey-dovey healthy relationship with your first super cute girlfriend in your life who was able to go to Tokyo long-awaited admission to Tokyo, this is the story of when the charismatic DQN Waniguchi senpai, who was previously feared as the craziest in the prefecture, came to Tokyo to perform live in Tokyo and sat down and her Ayame Himeno

Le webhusayithi yenzelwe abantu abadala kuphela

Ingabe okungenani uneminyaka engu-18 ubudala?

(noma iminyaka yeningi elisemthethweni emandleni lapho ufinyelela khona kule webhusayithi)

Ngokuchofoza "NGIYAVUMA", ufunde futhi waqonda isitatimende esingenhla.

Usukukhishwa: 02/13/2018
Isikhathi sokusebenza: 150 imiz
Umlingisi: Ayame Himeno
Studio: JET Eizo