SCPX-258: Ngesikhathi ngingumuntu olimele, kwafika owesifazane omuhle oshadile uMnu/Ms. owayeyivolontiya! - Umugqa wezingubo zangaphansi ngokucacile isinkwa se-pita, futhi ngokungazi unamathela esikhumbeni, ngakho-ke ngokungenhloso ngithola i-super erection futhi ngichame isidoda kakhulu ebhulukweni lami! !!
When I was an injured person, a beautiful married woman Mr./Ms. who was a volunteer came! - The line of the underwear is clearly pita bread, and it unconsciously adheres to the skin, so I unintentionally get a super erection and pee too much sperm in my pants! !!