OYC-175: - Owesifazane oshadile ongumuntu owayengumkhonto ucela ngenkani umngani womyeni ococekile futhi oqotho emcimbini wokuphuza! Owesifazane oshadile oqotho ongamazi uJi Po ngaphandle komyeni wakhe naye ufuna uJi Po lapho ebamba iqhaza eqenjini lokuphuza elibanjwe yilo mfazi wangaphambili uMnu / Ms. futhi uphenduka i-nymphomaniac!
- A married woman who is a former spear man forcibly solicits a neat and serious husband friend to a drinking party! A serious married woman who doesn't know Ji Po other than her husband also wants Ji Po when she participates in a drinking party hosted by this former wife Mr./Ms. and turns into a nymphomaniac!