JUY-667: [Ukuqaphela ukufunda] indaba ye-NTR yokuthi angifuni ukucwaswa kakhulu empilweni yami Ngemva kweminyaka emithathu nengxenye ngishadile, lapho ngingakwazi ukuba nezingane futhi ukungabekezeleli kwami kwakuseqophelweni layo, ngakhohlwa imibhalo yami yomsebenzi futhi ngabuyela ekhaya ... Ngezwa umkami nomphathi bekhuluma besuka emnyango wangaphambili, ngakho ngashesha ngazifihla e-attic.

[Reading caution] NTR story that I don't want to be cuckolded the most in my life Three and a half years after I got married, when I couldn't have children and my impatience was at its peak, I forgot my work documents and returned home ... I heard my wife and boss talking from the front door, so I hurriedly hid in the attic.

Usukukhishwa: 11/07/2018
Isikhathi sokusebenza: 140 imiz
Umlingisi: Mao Kurata