VOSS-169: - "Uma intombi inamahloni, uthisha uzoyixubha phansi!" Lapho ngithola ukuthi ngiyintombi esikoleni, ngashaqeka futhi angizange ngiye esikoleni ... Khona-ke, uthisha owayekhathazekile weza endlini wathi, "Ungaba ngowesifazane wokuqala," futhi nakuba ngahluleka izikhathi eziningi, ngakwazi ukulahlekelwa ubuntombi bami
- "If the virgin is embarrassed, the teacher will brush it down!" When I found out that I was a virgin at school, I was shocked and didn't go to school ... Then, a worried teacher came to the house and said, "You can be the first woman," and although I failed many times, I was able to lose my virginity