GS-302: Ukuhlola indawo engaphansi nomfundi wesifazane Umfundi wesifazane wangicela ukuba ngihambe ngiyohlola indawo engaphansi kwesikole, kodwa ngangesaba, ngakho lapho ngenqaba, ngathi "emkhubeni wendoda", ngakho ngangingenakho okunye ngaphandle kokulandela ... - Ungisongela ngomkhuba wentombazane! Ngaphezu kwalokho, wahlekiswa yimi futhi wabuza, "Ingabe i-dick yakho iyancipha lapho wesaba?"
Exploring the basement with a female student A female student asked me to go exploring the basement of the school, but I was scared, so when I refused, I said "in the habit of a man", so I had no choice but to follow ... - She threatens me with a girl's habit! Moreover, he was amused by me and asked, "Does your dick shrink when you're scared?"