IENF-223: - Umngane wobuntwana owathola amanzi ngenxa yemvula enkulu ye-guerrilla ngokuzumayo endleleni eya ekhaya evela esikoleni weza ukuphuma, futhi yize wayengajwayele ukwazi njengomuntu wesifazane, waye-cohoon kakhulu ngezingubo zakhe zangaphansi ze-skimpy nokubukeka okumanzi! 2

- A childhood friend who got wet due to a sudden guerrilla torrential rain on the way home from school came to evacuate, and even though she was not usually aware of it as a woman, she was very cohoon with her skimpy underwear and wet appearance! 2

Usukukhishwa: 07/07/2022
Isikhathi sokusebenza: 80 imiz
Studio: Ienergy
Imvula enkulu ngokuzumayo yenza iyunifomu yami yamanzi! Intombazane engumngani wobuntwana iphephela endlini yami ngoba iseduze kunekhaya lami! Ngibe naye kusukela ngisemncane, futhi angikaze ngiqaphele owesifazane njalo. - Kodwa-ke, iyunifomu ethola amanzi futhi inamathele emzimbeni ivelele umugqa womzimba wesifazane, futhi izingubo zangaphansi zibonakala ngokuphelele! Isenzo sokomisa izinwele ezimanzi naso siluhlaza ngendlela engavamile futhi umkhawulo wokubekezela!