AP-566: Ujabule ngomalumekazi onjengami ...?" - Umphathi wesifazane owasondela ngephutha esandleni somfana ongaphansi kwakhe ethinta isifuba sakhe esitimeleni esiphithizelayo uthi kumuntu ongaphansi okungenangqondo othola ngokungenhloso ukwakhiwa, "Ngingumalumekazi ...?", Kodwa angikwazi ukumisa i-estrus ngomuzwa wokuhlikihla esifubeni sami okokuqala esikhathini eside! Ngaso sonke isikhathi lapho isitimela sithuthumela...
Are you excited about an aunt like me ...?" - A female boss who accidentally got close to a young man's subordinate's hand touching her chest on a crowded train says to a naïve subordinate who involuntarily gets an erection, "I'm an aunt ...?", but I can't stop estrus at the feeling of being rubbed on my chest for the first time in a long time! Every time the train shakes...