"What would you do if you were Rima Arai in such a case?" - I was told that it was a shooting of M woman things, but it was the exact opposite! What do you do if you're an AV actress against an M man?
乘風破浪的人氣女演員荒井裡瑪很驚訝! 給我一個假劇本,讓我覺得這是 Ryo 的拍攝 ● ... 其實,有準備的演員是無可指責的超級德M演員! 當被摸索時反應敏感的演員...... Rima Arai 無法掩飾她對與劇本情節不同的發展的困惑! 然而,這是一部傑作,看看一個 de M 演員如何一個接一個地用完美的性技巧立即成為! 一部真實的性愛紀錄片,您可以在其中看到 Rima Arai 的原始遊戲!