HUNTA-179: 我每天都在學校被欺負,有一次我因為暫時的疾病缺席了幾天,班上被欺負的女生都害怕因為我而不能上學,所以我來看看她們過得怎麼樣。 我什至不想看到他們的臉,但當我告訴他們我要向學校報告他們被欺負的事實時,他們的態度發生了翻天覆地的變化!

I was bullied at school every day, and when I was absent for a few days due to a temporary illness, the bullying girls in my class were scared that they were not going to school because of me, so I came to see how they were doing. I didn't even want to see their faces, but when I told them that I was going to report the fact that they were being bullied to the school, their attitude changed drastically!


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發行日期: 07/19/2016
運行: 175 最小值
演播室: Hunter