VOSS-036: - 隔壁的阿姨取笑我留級,因為即使是全日制獎項也學習不了,先生/女士長得可惡,風格也很好,所以我忍不住覺得是報復! 我絕望地認為我的生命結束了,但我說,「我沒有拋棄你」,第一輪開始了! Yuki Seijo

- The aunt next door who makes fun of me for repeating the year because I can't study even though it's a full-time award Mr./Ms. is hatefully beautiful and has a good style, so I can't help but think it's revenge! I despaired that my life was over, but I said, "I didn't abandon you" and the first round began! Yuki Seijo


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發行日期: 05/07/2017
運行: 85 最小值
女演員: Yuki Seijo
演播室: VENUS