OYC-113: - “和當年不一樣,我變得認真起來了!” - 一個曾經經常和我一起玩的男朋友還在玩! - 似乎我無法原諒自己是唯一一個結婚並變得認真並擁有正常家庭的人,並試圖通過說我想和她一起喝酒來將我拉回糟糕的道路!

- "Unlike back then, I've become serious and graduated from!" - A man friend who used to play with me a lot is still playing! - It seems that I can't forgive myself for being the only one who gets married and becomes serious and has a normal family, and tries to pull me back to the bad path by saying that I want to drink with her!


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發行日期: 06/07/2017
運行: 200 最小值
演播室: Oyashoku Company