MRXD-056: 你後悔這樣做嗎? 絕望的? 你會這樣做嗎? 我們該怎麼辦? 之後是什麼關係?! 公司里不該越界的同事、老闆、下屬 如果有機會出差,盡量越界! 原因? 衝突? 如果你想做愛,那就去做吧! 因為人類就是這樣。

Do you regret doing it? Hopeless? Will you do it? What do we do? What was the relationship after that?! Colleagues, bosses, and subordinates in the company who should not cross the line If you have the opportunity to go on a business trip, try to cross it! Reason? Conflict? If you want to have sex, do it! Because that's what human beings are.


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發行日期: 09/13/2017
運行: 110 最小值
演播室: MARX