NKKD-102: 噁心的糞便警告 當我和一個我作為前帕西裡製作的超級可愛的女朋友享受健康的關係時,我被縣內最強的 DQN Takemaru 前輩發現,這就是我被威脅下次帶上那個 channe 並帶我的重要女友去 DQN 聚會場所 Mitsuki Kamiya 的故事

Disgusting feces caution When I was enjoying a healthy relationship with a super cute girlfriend who was made by me as a former Pasiri, I was found by the strongest DQN Takemaru senior in the prefecture, and this is the story of when I was threatened to bring that channe next time and took my important girlfriend to the DQN hangout Mitsuki Kamiya


您至少年滿 18 歲嗎?



發行日期: 11/07/2018
運行: 150 最小值
女演員: Kamiya Mitsuki
演播室: JET Eizo