OYC-233: 我推開在溺水沖力旁邊睡著的閨蜜,強迫自己進去 Bed.My 蹲下來的男朋友醒了,以為男朋友說了會討厭他,於是他什麼都說不出來,又開始和他們三個人喝酒,好像什麼都沒發生過一樣,當男朋友再次上床睡覺時,已經是第二個晚上睡覺了......

Pushing Her Best Friend's Sleeping Beside Her Drowning Momentum, Forcibly Squatting Out Inside Her Bed.My Boyfriend Wakes Up But Thought That Her Boyfriend Would Dislike Her When She Said He Was Committed, She Could Not Say Anything And Started Drinking Again With Three People As If Nothing Had Happened.And When My Boyfriend Goes To Bed Again, It's The Second Night To Sleep!...

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