HUNTA-517: 我是新宿(歌舞伎町)满是女招待的合租屋里唯一的男人! 我搬进了从新宿站步行5分钟的合租房,发现要搬到东京。 搬进来的那天中午和他们打招呼的时候,都是好女人,说实话,我以为自己很幸运,但到了晚上,不知为何,大家都穿得很华丽......

I'm the only man in a share house full of hostesses in Shinjuku (Kabukicho)! I moved into a share house that was a 5-minute walk from Shinjuku Station and found to move to Tokyo. When I greeted them at noon on the day I moved in, they were all nice women, and to be honest, I thought I was lucky, but in the evening, for some reason, everyone was dressed flashily ...


您至少年满 18 岁吗?



发行日期: 11/19/2018
运行: 240 最小值
演播室: Hunter