GCF-003: - 我对手无寸铁的丝袜的诱惑感到非常兴奋,因为我是认真的! 为了让它成为有吸引力的产品,员工们自己试穿,炫耀自己闷闷不乐的下半身,邀请我到满是女人的连裤袜开发部门勃起!

- I'm very excited about the temptation of defenseless stockings because I'm serious! In order to make it an attractive product, the employees themselves try it on, show off their stuffy lower body, and invite my erection in the pantyhose development department full of women!

发行日期: 02/01/2019
运行: 170 最小值
演播室: Fitch