GDHH-075: 我听说没有出差的老公提前一天回家了! 当我和我的妻子几乎赤身裸体时! 我和另一个妻子有染。 我丈夫出差了,应该要到明天才能回来,但他提前一天回家了! 更重要的是,我和我的妻子赤身裸体,处于绝望的超级紧要关头! 如果你匆忙躲起来......

My husband, who I heard was not on a business trip, came home a day early! When I and my wife are almost naked! I'm having an affair with another wife. My husband is on a business trip and shouldn't be back until tomorrow, but he came home a day early! What's more, I and my wife are naked and in a desperate super pinch! If you were hiding in a hurry ...


您至少年满 18 岁吗?



发行日期: 10/19/2017
运行: 170 最小值
演播室: Golden Time