KTKC-189: "Ko'p yillar oldin men o'z sinfimda baland va mustahkam suzuvchi tana bilan katta ko'krak bilan edim va hech kimga aytolmasdim, chunki men aqlli tur edim, lekin bu menga yoqdi", dedi Tohoku qishloq shaharchasidan bunday havaskor qiz. Moe (20 yoshda)

"A long time ago, I was in my class with a tall and sturdy swimming body with big breasts, and I couldn't tell anyone because I was a sober type, but I liked it," such an amateur girl from a rural town in Tohoku applied. Moe (20 years old)

Chiqarilish sanasi: 09/03/2024
Ish vaqti: 120 min