FTAV-004: "Men... Men uylanaman ..." I cup, faol hamshira, 22 yoshda, Kimitsu shahri, Chiba prefekturasi, ishlab chiqarish aloqasi yo'q Qishloqda yashovchi tabiiy busty ayol uchinchi marta paydo bo'ladi SOFT ON DEMAND havaskor sifatida Yu Sasamoto (taxminiy) "Agar meni istagan kishi bo'lsa, men hali ham ayol bo'lishni xohlayman ..."
"I... I'm going to get married ..." I cup, active nurse, 22 years old, Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, no production affiliation A natural busty woman living in the countryside appears for the third time from SOFT ON DEMAND as an amateur Yu Sasamoto (tentative) "If there is someone who wants me, I still want to be a woman ..."