HAWA-332: Men qiz do'stimsiz kambag'alman va menda faqat jinsiy orzu va arzon kvartiram bor, bojxonaga borishga pulim yo'q va yoshlar Norida yaxshi emas ... Shuning uchun men sokin turmushga chiqqan ayolni qo'lga olib, jinsiy aloqada bo'lganimda, mening jinsiy istagim o'zimdan ko'ra hayratlanarli edi! Mako-san
I'm poor without a girlfriend, and I only have a lot of sexual desire and a cheap apartment, I don't have money to go to customs, and young people are not good at Nori ... That's why when I caught a quiet married woman and had sex, my sexual desire was more amazing than myself! Mako-san