DHLD-005: Men yoga tajriba sinfidagi yagona talabaman va yagona odam ... Men erotik maqsadlarda ishtirok etish deb noto'g'ri tushunmaslik kerak deb o'ylasam, chiroyli butalar chiroyli instruktordan yopishib qolganini ko'rganimda shunchalik ko'p munosabat bildiraman. Men pastki qorin bo'shlig'ida shishib qoldim, shuning uchun tajriba kursiga kiritilmagan guruh erotik darsga o'zimni topshirishga qaror qildim ...

I'm the only student in the yoga experience class and the only man ... The more I think that I should not be misunderstood as participating for erotic purposes, the more my reacts when I see the beautiful buttocks sticking out of the beautiful instructor. I found a bulge in my lower abdomen, so I decided to entrust myself to a group erotic lesson that was not included in the experience course ...

Chiqarilish sanasi: 08/01/2024
Ish vaqti: 116 min
Studiya: OFFICE K'S