SDJS-021: "Ayollar yaltiraganda tananing qaysi qismini eng ko'p his qiladilar?" soD ayol xodimlari tomonidan jiddiy tekshiruv natijasida, tilning yumshoq uchi jinsiy hissiyotni kuchaytiradi va zavqni ikki barobar oshiradi va 2 daqiqada o'rtacha 10 orgazmdan ortiq davom etadi! SOD Sexologiya Lab hisoboti 10
As a result of serious verification by SOD female employees of "Which part of the body do women feel the most when they are licked?", The soft tip of the tongue enhances the sexual sensation and doubles the pleasure, and lasts more than 10 orgasms on average in 2 minutes! SOD Sexology Lab Report 10