HUNTA-069: Bir vaqtlar ichki kiyim ishlab chiqaruvchi erkak bir botqoqda ishga toʻla ayol xodimning noshukrligini oldi! Oz ishlagan, men ilgari faqat ichki kiyim ishlab chiqaruvchilar uchun go'zallik xodimi bo'lganman! Men bir odam! The Underring-dan beri kunlik ishlamay qoldi ... Yaxshiman! Nima uchun men...?
Underwear Manufacturers Man Once A Job Full Of Female Employees Of Frustration Around In My One!Barely Employment Can Was Previously Beauty Employees Just Underwear Manufacturer!The Man I One!It 's Exhausted By Being Overworked Every Day Since The Underling ... I'm Good!Why Do I ...?