GIGL-233: Tokioda bir joyda joylashgan mamontli xonadon kompleksida yashaydigan chiroyli xotinlar ko'pligi haqida ma'lumot oldim. Shuning uchun men ularga qarshilik ko'rdim, o'sha qo'l bilan taklif qildim. Elektr massaj mashinasi va rotor bilan betob bo'lganimda, hatto ichkariga kirishga ruxsat berdim!

I got information that there are many beautiful wives living in a mammoth apartment complex somewhere in Tokyo, so I aimed at them, invited them with that hand, and when I was mischievous with an electric massage machine and a rotor, I even let them inside!

Chiqarilish sanasi: 10/23/2015
Ish vaqti: 240 min