JKSR-207: Bu xotin janob/xotinning tafsilotlarini bilasizmi? 04 Ayol e'lonchining miyasi va ko'rinishi bilan qaytib kelgan busty OL xotini, eri esa reklama agentligida ishlaydigan beqarori go'zal uy bekasi, estrusda! Nega "Menga yomon munosabatda bo'ldim, yana meni olib qo'ya olasizmi?" deb so'rashga to'g'ri kelgan. Butun hikoya.
Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? 04 A busty OL wife who is a returnee with the brains and looks of a female announcer, and her husband is an unfussy beautiful housewife who works at an advertising agency, is in estrus! Why did he have to beg for "I've been treated badly, can you take me again?" The whole story.