UMSO-049: Koreyada ishlab chiqarish bilan shug'ullana olish haqida mish-mishlar tarqalgan koreys uslubidagi massaj do'koniga kirib borsangiz ... - Men uni juda chiroyli bo'lgan koreys qizining ko'krak chilleri bilan qiziqtirishga ko'ndirganimda va uning ko'zlari to'liq erektsiyaga aylangan bing-binimga yopishtirilganida, men issiq o'pkani so'radim .
If you infiltrate a Korean-style massage shop that is rumored to be able to do production in Korea ... - When I persuaded her to be intrigued by the chest chiller of a Korean girl who was too beautiful and her eyes were glued to my bing-bin that became a full erection, I asked for a hot kiss & close contact sex like lovers ...