OYC-048: Ichki kiyimlar modelining oʻrnini bosuvchi sifatida yangi ichki kiyim kiyib suratga tushgan ichki kiyim ishlab chiqaruvchi ayol xodima. Ichki kiyim ishlab chiqaruvchi mahsulotni otish vaqtida model yo'q edi. Biroq, otishma sanasi kechiktirilishi mumkin emasligi sababli, shoshilinch ravishda ichki kiyim modelini qilishga majbur bo'lgan go'zal ayol xodim ...
A female employee of an underwear manufacturer who was photographed wearing new underwear as a substitute for an underwear model. The model was absent at the time of the product shoot of the underwear manufacturer. However, since the shooting date cannot be postponed, a beautiful female employee who was forced to do an underwear model in a hurry ...