HUNTA-163: "Agar siz kauchuk kiymoqchi bo'lsangiz, men qila olasiz ... Bu erga jurʼatingiz bormi?" O'tgan yilgacha bu barcha qizlar maktabi (va qizlar maktabi) edi. Bu yil hammuallif bo'lib qolgan maktabga kirganimda, men yagona erkak edim. Shuning uchun ham qorovul yo'qolgan, shuning uchun albatta siz istaganingizcha tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, shuning uchun u har doim to'liq erektsiyada!
"If you're going to wear rubber, you can me ... Do you have the courage to here??" Until last year, it was an all-girls school (and a girls' school), and when I entered a school that became co-ed this year, I was the only man. That's why the guard is loose, so of course you can watch as much as you want, so it's always in a full erection!