NKKD-012: Jirkanch najas ehtiyotkorlik bilan hushimdan ketgan o'zim uchun prefekturadagi etakchi tayyorgarlik maktablaridan birida o'qigan sharafli o'quvchi bo'lgan qiz do'stim bo'lishga muvaffaq bo'ldim, lekin o'tgan kuni meni prefekturadagi eng jinni DQN Takemaru kattasi bilib oldi va menga keyingi safar qiz do'stimga qarz berishimni aytishdi, shuning uchun jiddiy qiz do'stimni DQNning hangomasiga olib borishdan boshqa choram yo'q edi Shuri Atomi
Disgusting feces caution I was able to have a girlfriend who was an honor student who attended one of the leading preparatory schools in the prefecture for my faint-hearted self, but the other day I was found out by the craziest DQN Takemaru senior in the prefecture, and I was told to lend my girlfriend next time, so I had no choice but to take my serious girlfriend to DQN's hangout Shuri Atomi