HUNTA-187: Yozgi dam olish kunlari singlim uyiga do'st olib keldi- yu, xonadagi konditsioner buzilib, issiqxonaga aylandi! Fandan kelgan shamol meni umuman so'ndirmaydi va men hali ham ter to'kib tashlayman, shuning uchun choponimni yechib, etagimni, panchiramni ko'tarib, nigohlarimni chayqab qo'yaman! - Men bunday raqamni ko'rdim va kichik qizlar hayratda qoldim ...
During the summer vacation, my sister brought home a friend, but the air conditioner in the room broke down and turned into a greenhouse! The wind from the fan doesn't cool me at all and I'm still sweaty, so I take off my jacket, turn up my skirt, panchira, and flicker my nipples! - I saw such a figure, and I was stunned by the younger girls ...