NNPJ-182: Mr./ms. u erda! Nega biz bilan beysbol oʻynamaysiz! Faqat beysbol mushti... - Vahima ko'rinishidan boshlanadigan mukofot puli uchun jiddiy o'yin! 2-qism Bu safar ham, nafis yo'qotib, darhol yalang'och bo'lib qolgan pikap o'qituvchisi! - Agar siz uni harakatga qoldirib, mukofot pulini va Ji Po-ni chalkashtirsangiz, meni qanchalik uzoqqa qo'yib yuborasiz?
Mr./Ms. there! Why don't you play baseball with us! Just a baseball fist... - A serious game for the prize money that starts from the appearance of Panichi! Part 2 This time too, a pick-up teacher who loses gracefully and becomes naked immediately! - If you leave it to the momentum and flicker the prize money and Ji Po, how far will you let me go?