RKI-434: Xususiy e'tirof etish etishmovchiligi hujjati Men uyimga aylanada uchragan qizni chaqirdim, lekin oxir-oqibat men shovqin-suron ko'tarib, uyga qaytmoqchi edim, shuning uchun men shoshib qoldim va uni pastga itarib yubordim va vaginal zo'rlashni istadim ... Aylana ● Toki undan xuddi shunday charchab qolguningizcha.
Private Confession Failure Document I called a girl I met in a circle to my house, but in the end I was about to get flustered and go home, so I was in a hurry and pushed her down and vaginal shot rape with desire ... Circle ● until you get tired of it as it is.