SVDVD-585: Breaking news Agar sizda yoqtiradigan ayol bo'lsa, qo'yish to'g'risidagi qonun loyihasi qabul qilingan joyda jinsiy aloqada bo'lishingiz mumkin! Agar erkak ayolni ko'rib, shahvoniy bo'lsa, agar u "men uni sizga kiritmoqchiman" deb e'lon qilsa, ayol o'z joyida "qo'ying" deb krovatini ochishi kerak!
Breaking news If you have a woman you like, you can have sex on the spot The insertion bill has been passed! When a man sees a woman and is lustful, if he declares "I want to insert it into you", the woman must open her crotch by saying "Insert it" on the spot!