SCOP-437: Tokioda bir joyda joylashgan estetik salon. Birinchi qarashda do'kon boshqalardan farq qilmaydi, ammo uning mashhurligiga hali sabab bor edi! Oʻyin davomida yanada radikal xizmatlar koʻrsatadigan estetikachilar. Ol qanday radikal qyzmet? Bilganlarga ma'lum bo'lgan juda mashhur noqonuniy estafeta salonini yaxshilab tekshirish! 3

An esthetic salon specializing in located somewhere in Tokyo. At first glance, the store is no different from the others, but there was still a reason for its popularity! Estheticians who provide even more radical services during play. What kind of radical service is it? Thorough verification of a very popular illegal esthetic salon known to those in the know! 3

Chiqarilish sanasi: 03/24/2017
Ish vaqti: 200 min
Studiya: K M Produce