NKKD-028: Jirkanch najas ehtiyotkorlik Er-xotin 35 yillik kredit bilan ikkinchi qo'l kondominium sotib olishdi, ammo men yuqori qavatda yashaydigan Takemaru Senpai nomli super DQNning shovqin muammosiga bardosh bera olmadim. Ikkimiz bilan hangomaga norozilik bildirishga borganimda, men teskari bo'ldim va xotinim edi.
Disgusting feces caution A couple bought a second-hand condominium with a 35-year loan, but I couldn't stand the noise problem of a super DQN called Takemaru Senpai who lives on the upper floor, and when I went to protest at the hangout with the two of us, I was reversed and my wife was.