SW-481: Tushdagi yaqin qarindoshim opalarim ukam oldida kiyimlarni o'zgartirib, "Men hali bolaman" va ichki kiyimim va yalang'ochligimni "Oh, bu bola kattalashib bormoqda!" deb xohlagancha ko'rsatishadi. - Energetik Ji Podan hayajonlangan katta opa-singillari yonida to'xtab o'ynashdi. Yolg'iz qolgan zahoti ayollarga aylanib
Dream incest My sisters change clothes in front of my younger brother, "I'm still a child" and show my underwear and nakedness as much as I want "Oh, this kid is getting bigger!" - Her older sisters, who were excited by the energetic Ji Po, stopped by and played, and as soon as they were alone, they turned into women