OYC-118: Cho'kishni oling va ruxsatsiz AV qiling! Super chiroyli do'stim allaqachon holo-mastlik holatida bo'lgan Kawaiko-channi olib keldi! Ulardan biri juda istamagan, ammo ikkinchisining sevgilisi bor va qo'riqlanadi! Tabiiyki, super mashhur shoh o'yini rad etiladi! - Bunday qo'riqlanadigan ayol [ko'proq va ko'proq o'yinlarga] qodir bo'ladimi? 4
Take the plunge and make it AV without permission! A super handsome friend brought Kawaiko-chan who was already in a state of holo-drunkenness! One of them is super reluctant, but the other has a boyfriend and is guarded! Naturally, the super famous king game is rejected! - Will such a guarded woman be able to [more and more games]? 4