UMSO-149: - Meni xotinim qochirib, yolg'iz ota bo'ldi, shuning uchun men mashhur davrda edim! Rahmli ota-oʻgʻil oilasiga hamdard boʻlib, kunning oʻrtalarida menga gʻamxoʻrlik qilgan mahalladagi onam doʻstlarim bilan bir ishga qaram boʻldim2.

- I was run away by my wife and became a single father, so I was in a popular period! I sympathized with the pitying father-and-son family and got addicted to an affair in the middle of the day with my mom friends in the neighborhood who took care of me vol.2

Chiqarilish sanasi: 08/11/2017
Ish vaqti: 116 min
Studiya: K M Produce